Wednesday 14 December 2011

Project Proposal

What started off as an undefined and nonlinear project has now transpired into an exciting and evident piece of work. Initially my thoughts were set on displaying time-lapse through photo sequence. I was blinded by the concept and despite experimenting with subject and theory; the idea seemed to be going in a stagnant direction soon to face a dead end. Upon acting on this I opened my mind and ventured my thoughts into a more achievable and creative thinking style. While still being fascinated with time theory, various theorists such as McTaggart allowed me to channel my ideas more creatively, where I started to practically experiment with different techniques. As I started researching more and more into different artists and styles, I started to define more of an articulated route in which I wanted to follow. Narrative photographers have had a huge influence on my work, Duane Michals particularly has influenced the structuring of my images, where I have kept intent on arranging them in a photo sequence like fashion. I have been fairly relaxed in the amount of images displayed within one piece, as I feel this shouldn’t be strict as I don’t want my work looking to precise; each situation I am expressing will require a different amount of images to tell the story. Nan Goldin, Philip Lorca Dicorcia and Gregory Crewdson are amongst many artists I have looked at who have inspired me along my journey, influencing my work to sculpt it to its current state. After thorough research and observation, my curiosity of how people around me spend their time carries on. After repelling yet understanding McTaggarts Theory on time, I started to delve into the idea of how people around me spend their time, within this I started to explore change and stasis, yet was drawn to the idea of isolation and identity within society, and how time engulfs it, extracting any possibility of positive change. My aims of this project now are to examine further the idea of identity and isolation of people. I feel as though the project is still in an early stage to pinpoint a concise aim of what my finale produce will aesthetically look like, yet I aim to continue producing work within a photo sequence fashion, also with single images to compliment the narrative if necessary. My final images in term one follow the lives of two different people, where the audience may be left questioning their situation. I intend on making my narrative a lot more clear in my final project, using sequence and single images in which to display this, hoping to achieve the audience’s belief and sincerity of the narrative. 

1 comment:

  1. I think the power of your chosen narrative sequences often comes from the fact that the stories are not so clear. A lot more is left unsaid, and somehow this makes the images stronger, and their sequences more... eloquent? multi-layered, let's say...

    I agree that McTaggart is not a very interesting theorist on time, or at least that his relevance to YOUR study of experiences of time & space is debatable :)
