Saturday 3 December 2011

Artist Study:

Sourced from :

Some interesting photography and creative concepts displayed within this artists recent gallery show i stumbled across; 'In the Belly of the Whale'
I was particularly drawn to the above piece of work, with the narrative and sequence composition being relevant and of interest to my research and practical work. 
Lat night I spent an hour shooting peoples movements to and from a busy cashpoint in a town centre, trying to display the irony of a homeless person begging just behind, hunched on a metal pole. I wanted to query the thought of where these people were off to, how they spend their time? their obviously quite busy, and showing the contrast of how still and static time is for the homeless person. I took a shot every 2.5 minutes or so, for an hour, and wish to display all the shots in one print, showing like a contact sheet. I think this could look quite effective.

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