Friday 9 December 2011

Experimental shoot

It was the irony of this situation in which i wanted to show most. It displays a busy friday night of people  queuing up to use the cash point, where there sits a lonely man begging for money just behind. Despite this man being homeless and not able to shut away his emotions out with walls of a building, he simply has no choice and instead has to beg for money in order to survive. Although this man is not isolating himself from people, he is isolated from the rest of the world around around, where passers by simply que to get money out of the wall. Some will acknowledge him and perhaps give him some money, where others will simply walk past, perhaps not even noticing him. Either way he is in this sense different from everybody else, and is isolated off from society. 

-Artist Study: Gregory Crewdson

"Beneath The Roses" are a collection of images I have been looking at, yet non of them are actually titled, which i find a little odd, or perhaps Crewdson wants the viewer to make up their own mind about that. I have chosen to look at this photographer, as for starters I find his photography technically brilliant, with also the sincere implication of suggestion. When first studying his photography (particulalry works from "Beneath The Roses", I was made to feel the subjects sheer alienation, isolation and rejection. His use of lighting is pure brilliance, and although all very much so staged, it doesn't matter to me, as each image is so powerful. His images are exeptionally moody, none of them are really warm and bright. Always stark and in derelict areas, and his models seem somewhat zombified and emotionless. Although I am not close to be able to produce images so powerful in my immature and inexperienced photography career, his works have been of great inspiration. 

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