Saturday 3 December 2011

Research: Theoretical context and Research + Thoughts

I am now seeing that it is the way images are put together, determines how they may portray time differently..
I am still playing with the idea of 'change' and stasis..(change vs stasis) considering more things which i want to stay the same, and are bound to change... Also about things which i really want to change, but which remain to stay the same.. My subjects have been mainly people so far , friends aswell as strangers. I want to show that time is never still, no matter how still the situation someone is in, or the space where i am at seems. 
Recently I have been observing things differently, with various theories in mind, looking into things which i perhaps before didn't recognise or acnowledge. Mainly regarding people within place, particularly in the city of Bristol, yet i'm sure would be the same in any city. I have been studying people (friends and strangers) and have started to think about their stasis. While i have been researching into stasis, I have come across a very interesting theory, regarding how isolation effects the theory of evolution. 

Niles Eldridge and Stephen Jay Gould (1972) -   Theory: "Punctuated Equilibrium" 
Regards evolution taking place with long periods of stasis, meaning species will exhibit little or no change for the majority of their history - remaining in an extended state - referred to as stasis. When significant change occurs, the theory purposes that this is due to rare or rapid events/conditions happening over a course of time. Despite this theory being specific with the human race as a whole, I think its interesting theory to look at, and can be applied on a lot smaller scale, perhaps being looked at into individuals, rather than mass groups of people. I suppose this could bear the question and thought about whether people travel a life journey which most of the time remains constant, displaying little change, YET if this theory is applied, a rare or rapid change of events will then change their lifes. I think this is not so true, as an event such as a loved one dyeing, is a lot of the time common and also a way of life in a recycling sort of sense, and will have a huge impact in a persons life, repelling this theory, when looked at on a smaller scale. 

Gould, Stephen Jay, & Eldredge, Niles (1977). "Punctuated Equilibria: the tempo and mode of evolution reconsidered" Paleobiology 3 (2): 115-151. (p.145)

Eldredge, Niles and S. J. Gould (1972). "Punctuated Equilibria: an alternative to phyletic gradualism"  Modes in Paleobiology. San Francisco: Freeman Cooper. pp.82-88

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