Sunday 30 October 2011


At this stage my subject has not been discovered, and i'm am some what unsure on what it is i want to show changing through time. Some of the subjects i have decided to display could arguably be described as an 'eye saw' , and not so particularly aesthetically pleasing on the eye. Despite this, i have previously been drawn to works of artist Cindy Sherman and admired her self expression through her work, particularly unsure of what it is she wants to represent in some of her works. Her 'Disaster series' directly investigates grotesque and disgusting subject matter, with a peculiar horror twist ( i.e staring dolls heads and prosthetic body parts) . My point being that anything can be shot through a camera, but what is the meaning behind it being shot? and does it work as an image?

The rose i find greatly romantic and poetic... I feel like it symbolises a dead love.. Someone originally got given a beautiful rose as a token of love, yet as time passes, the roses withers and wilts and finally dies. much like love? Something once so naive, virginal and new becomes empty and dead... a sad but true way of life.. Is this perception of mine the same to everybody else's? I like the idea of using flowers as a subject matter, and particularly Roses


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  3. The answer to your question is "what do you really care about?"

    Yes, a candle or a rose can be a metaphor for life or love, but you personally feel nothing for the candle or the rose, only for what they symbolise.

    Think about things which you REALLY want to stay the same, but which are bound to change, or about things which you really want to change, but which seem to remain the same...
