Tuesday 14 February 2012

RECAP (Of work so far-Term 1)

In order to start back from where i left off in the project, i felt there was no better way to do this than by going through my blog from start to finish, highlighting the various steps i took in the journey, and illuminating both flaws and strengths. Doing this will simply refresh my memory of what i have achieved so far, and will outline a stronger idea of what it is i want to go on to produce. 

Intro- Words jotted down: Photo sequence, narrative, change/stasis, identity, motion/movement, change in time
Experimental Subjects- Moulding bread/food, burning candle,decaying/dying matter/flowers, birth of animal
"Todorov's Narrative theory"- (Beginning, middle, end)- mainly regarding presentation in photo sequence (tryptic)  , yet disregarded this as i just worked with tryptic in previous project and felt the need to use more photos per sequence.. 
Motion Blur technique- Simply done as a means of experimentation. i was eager to show motion and movement within a still frame 
Stasis- "A period or state of inactivity or equilibrium" slowing down..stopping.. Made me start to consider "time" as a subject to think about.. 
Bannan Experiment- I wanted to produce a photo sequence which could perhaps be displayed in a 'flick book' style to show the slow decay of in this case bannanas. I think this was a 30 day experiment. Although visually it looked quite good, i wanted to move away from food.
Nan Goldin- Artist study. A favourite of mine. Using someone/something close to me. Raw, realistic, passionate emotions presented in each photo. Presentation of frames in a photo sequence. 
Duane Michals- Artist study . Narrative/Photo sequence. An influence on my work, regarding subject and presentation. 
First photo sequence.  Friend getting stoned by himself. I wanted to make this look very stagnant, showing time as being very still. The subject to be very oblivious to the outside world, perhaps isolating himself. I like the idea of how this can contrast so much to a busy lifestyle. Perhaps out of his window there is so much going on. This initially brought on the idea of isolation. 
"Spending a lot of time, wasting time"..Isolation, confinement, paranoia? Stillness..
 Questions asked: How does time flow? Does time flow in only one direction? Is there a constant universal time? Is time a real dimension? 
Note: Not to get too caught up on time theory. (John Mctaggart)
Work develops/ various photographers used and influencing work.
Next: Develop a brain storm to manage ideas- anything that comes into my head..

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