Sunday 13 November 2011

Cool Tryptic

One of my many passions is Street art, particularly graffiti. I felt it relevant to include this tryptic image/ photo sequence documenting a wall being defaced by a graffiti writer. I think the image works very well visually, and abides to Todorov's beginning/middle/end theory.. BUT i always question this theory, by asking what was before the beginning and what happens after the end..? In this example the third image in the sequence is surely not the end?? This graffiti may be removed, or may been graffitied over, or this structure in which the writer is spraying onto may be destroyed.. Then this sparks a whole new story, perhaps disagreeing with Todorov's theory, illustrating more of a continuos time frame rather than three parts.
I think the image really conveys a sense of motion, rush and movement, and it would have been nice if it was my own to play around with effects to show this in an even more emphasised way- despite this, i enjoy this image alot. 

1 comment:

  1. This is also an interesting idea : that we pluck beginnings, middles and ends out of thin air, and impose narratives on a reality that is in fact very different...

    It's interesting that we so often seem to think stories are "about" reality, when in fact they often seem to distort it quite fundamentally e.g encapsulating it in the closed loop of a narrative...
