Thursday 19 April 2012


(Please excuse literal image)

Despite the theories on time, it still remains a concept that means different things to different people. Through research and practice i have identified it as being :
TIME as decay/change
TIME as peoples day to day lives i.e different experiences of the same time frames etc
TIME as being historical (Geological time)
TIME of the actual photograph

etc etc ... With my project i have tried to represent time as being something that means something different to everyone. For example, time may be something of the essence to some people, where they are constantly rushing about, 'running out of time' as it were. Where there is simply not enough time in the day. To others it may be something that goes very slowly and engulfs their life which hasnt much substance or going ons. It may be something that people wish would move faster (regarding being at work etc) so they can spend 'their' time doing something that they want. Here, although time stays at the same speed, is used in different ways. I am going in the direction of shooting a social document in which displays time as having a different meaning and effect on each person. How they spend it within their lives. I aim to show a rang of contrast in the final exhibition so each piece is individual to itself, and will contrast to the one displayed next to it. 

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